In the darkest corners of the internet lies a community whose vision is to promote ideas of misogyny and anti feminism, masculinity on steroids if you will. It is commonly believed that a significant number of its members also harbour right-wing extremist opinions.
The manosphere is an informal network of websites, blogs, forums, and social media communities that focus on topics related to men’s rights, gender dynamics, and masculinity. It is often characterised by its critical stance toward feminism and modern gender norms, and it includes various subcultures and ideologies that can range from men's rights advocacy to more extreme, misogynistic views. Some of the key topics discussed in the manosphere include relationships between men and women, men's emotional health, sexual dynamics, and what members perceive as the challenges men face in modern society.
The manosphere has several distinct factions, including;
Men's Rights Activists (MRAs): This group advocates for the rights of men, particularly in areas like family law, custody battles, false accusations, and perceived biases against men. MRAs argue that men are disadvantaged in certain areas compared to women.
Pick-Up Artists (PUAs): PUAs focus on dating and sexual success, often promoting strategies and techniques aimed at attracting and seducing women. They are sometimes criticised for promoting objectification and misogyny.
Involuntary Celibates (Incels): Incels are those who define themselves as unable to find romantic or sexual partners despite wanting one. Some express resentment toward women, blaming them for their lack of success in dating. Incel forums have been linked to extreme misogyny and, in some cases, violent behavior.
Alpha Male and Red Pill Communities: These promote ideas around traditional masculinity, self-improvement, and the rejection of perceived societal feminisation of men. The "Red pill" philosophy (which draws on the metaphor from the movie The Matrix) calls on its members to acknowledge the notion that society favours women.
Supporters claim that the manosphere seeks to address real issues faced by men, such as mental health, societal expectations and issues related to masculinity, however it attempts this by promoting toxic or harmful behaviors. Those who buy into the manosphere subscribe to the notion that masculinity is under threat, they believe that they are the "victims of a world that is unfairly in favour of women" (Sugiura).
There has been an explosion of social media influencers who actively promote the manosphere's ideologies.
"Young people may also find the manosphere via YouTube, as the ‘watch next’ algorithm has been known to recommend increasingly sexist and anti-feminist content in order to keep users engaged." (Aiston)